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Re-doing old Wiki tracks

Re-doing old Wiki tracks

KellsBells posted on Jan 16, 2025 #1
Posts: 53
Joined: May 26, 2015
So, we are all our own harshest critics. Some of my earlier stuff I look back and I know I could do better now. I've learned more about mixing, have upgraded equipment. Here's my question, and maybe it's just me. I have thought about re-recording some of my earlier songs from a decade ago because I know I can do better quality wise. But is that disrespectful to all the musicians who have added to that original track? I feel like it is. 10 years of remixes adds up to a lot. I would never delete the old ones. They're precious to me and show me my own growth on this platform. Is it rude to redo songs from 10 years ago that have been remixed for 10 years? Is it disregarding all the musicians who spent thought and time to add to it? Am I overthinking it? What are your thoughts Wiki peeps?

Overthinking in Illinois at 3:30am
MySounds posted on Jan 16, 2025 #2
Posts: 247
Joined: Mar 19, 2022
I don't think it's rude or disrespectful.

A new mix or a new version of an old track might be reflection that your 'feel' for a track or its atmosphere has changed.

It might also be the case that some mixes just don't age well.

At the end of the day a new mix is an iteration of the original with a backstory. And I think most of us would change things when we look at past recordings.

Go for it. A 2025 version may stand on its own but will in any case be twice as interesting because it has an older sister.
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Aito posted on Jan 16, 2025 #3
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Yes, you are overthinking. 🙂

I think Wikiloops is a diary where you can always go back and see what kind of player or singer you were. Now you just create a new page that would show what you are now.

And I think that for many players it would be a great experience that someone still remembers a song that they made ten years ago. Remember that most of the songs are lost in Wikiloops, and no one will ever hear them again.
Shamika posted on Jan 16, 2025 #4
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KellsBells wrote:
Am I overthinking it? What are your thoughts Wiki peeps?


Overthinking is par for the course in this business (and life generally) All I can do musically now is revisit old productions, many years of them. Funny but I usually enjoy the first, simple mix best for all its naivety it has a purity that's lost when numerous tracks have been added. Hope you can sleep now... PS if you dream, tell us in my new dream thread :D
davidaustin posted on Jan 16, 2025 #5
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KellsBells wrote:
So, we are all our own harshest critics. Some of my earlier stuff I look back and I know I could do better now. I've learned more about mixing, have upgraded equipment. Here's my question, and maybe it's just me. I have thought about re-recording some of my earlier songs from a decade ago because I know I can do better quality wise. But is that disrespectful to all the musicians who have added to that original track? I feel like it is. 10 years of remixes adds up to a lot. I would never delete the old ones. They're precious to me and show me my own growth on this platform. Is it rude to redo songs from 10 years ago that have been remixed for 10 years? Is it disregarding all the musicians who spent thought and time to add to it? Am I overthinking it? What are your thoughts Wiki peeps?

Overthinking in Illinois at 3:30am

Go for it Kelly, there are many new members on here and you will open up the opportunity for many to join in, we are here for the fun of making music<3
TeeGee posted on Jan 16, 2025 #6
Posts: 1901
Joined: Sep 27, 2014
Go for it. If you make a new branch, then other musicians who were not there 10 years ago can join you, create new stuff. It's a no brainer if you ask me :)
cmdr_chill posted on Jan 16, 2025 #7
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I'd say that it isn't rude. It's part of a musical journey, and that's fine.
rootshell posted on Jan 16, 2025 #8
Posts: 404
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i redid my very first track, mainly because of what you stated KellsBells, i feel my approach, recording, equipment, has all changed...growth basically...it was more like for a comparison from 1st track to now (last year i did that, i think). and it's fun too. i don't think it's disrespectful in any way to the musicians from the original track.
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shiihs posted on Jan 16, 2025 #9
Posts: 85
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Creating and remixing tracks is what wikiloops is all about (at least from my point of view), so I cannot think of any good reason not to do it. The old tracks don't disappear and the new ones may evolve in a totally different direction, providing new opportunities for people to contribute.
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