Crow Z

Guitar & Guitar:
Inkless 443 jams
Remix step II
CI Section
CI Section 475 jams

available remixes:

+ 5
Feb 27, 2021
Added some stuff here and there :) (kb, synths, piano, pad, guitar FX), starting 0:48. Didn't compress it too much to keep the dynamic range.
Tagged as / Sounds like:
Rock metal p
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Saitensatz für E-Gitarre
5,90 €
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Sweeeet. Perfectly unique!:Y +1
March 1, 2021 at 7:45 PM
CI Section
CI Section Thanks, & cool template from you! +1
Capturing the feeling and taking this a whole lot further. The last section works so well. +1
March 3, 2021 at 8:11 PM
CI Section
CI Section Thank you for giving it a listen & nice comment! +1
Crazy weird stuff at 1:45 to the end i like it , atmospheric , mysterious:) Great tension and melody's , thanks !:) +1
March 4, 2021 at 10:54 PM
CI Section
CI Section Thanks! I am glad that you like it; yep- weird stuff ;):W +1

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