Flash In The Sky (Bass Add)

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JEF29730 700 jams
Remix step II
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JoeOnBass 1498 jams
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Oct 7, 2021
When I turn all of the bass down on the pre-amp, cut the compression and drop the bass tone on the bass guitar itself, it gets this wicked bite, but you can really hear finger drag. I rarely use a pick, but some tracks you've just got to. This was a lot of fun for me, thanks guys.
Tagged as / Sounds like:
metal, thrash
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Joe!!! Cool, nice wiry, metallic sound!!! Played tight to the point. Awesome!!!:W:W

.... probably nothing unknown to you.B)B) I sometimes use 2 tracks myself to record a bass sound like this. One track with high pass and the other with low pass filter, so I can mix the low frequencies. One track covers the frequencies above 200Hz, the other one without effects for the lower ones below 100Hz. ...but my problem is that I like to put the bass in the foreground (occupational disease).:):)
October 7, 2021 at 7:13 AM
JoeOnBass That's clearly why your mixes sound awesome!! I didn't take a lot of care with the sound on this, I just let fly and this is what came out. It's a little overbearing up front but it was fun. +1
October 7, 2021 at 9:51 AM
Anrak ... Your speaker boxes must have a different sound. Your bass sound is a dream, especially when you have new strings on.<3<3 My bass sounds lousy in comparison.:D:D +1
October 7, 2021 at 4:43 PM
JoeOnBass I love your bass works, your sound is always a great blend and you create very inspiring works to me. I have a pair of KRK Rockit 5 speakers, I was referred to the brand from a friend and found someone selling a pair on Craigslist for $200. (They're the monitors with the yellow cones). They do deliver a very upfront sound for the bass, I had to spend some time listeing to tracks on a laptop, through an iMac and in the car to compare them to the speakers so I'd have an idea of what the sound would be compared to the recording process so I woudln't overwork the bass, or underwork it into the song. My earlier recordings on Wikiloops have less bass in them, which changed when I got the speakers. Even after almost a year on Wikiloops, I still haven't nailed down an exact tone, every recording requires a few minutes of knob twisting to find what seems right, lol. I'm definitely not a studio engineer. :-) +1
October 7, 2021 at 10:47 PM
Anrak Hi Joe, thanks for the detailed reply. I'm not going to be a sound engineer in this life either. I always use headphones for mixing. My family and neighbors thank me for it. Studio speakers I do not have (yet). ... In the end, it is always exciting how the mix sounds on the hi-fi system after I have uploaded it. Not very professional and even less rockstar-like...:D:o:o +1
:W:W:W +1
Another cool one Joe! Digging the bass tone :W +1

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