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Reporting a copyright violation

Reporting a copyright violation

How to report a track which contains material that is protected by third party copyrights

wikiloops has a strict "no cover songs allowed on wikiloops"-policy which uploading users are bound to follow.
If you have spotted a track which you identified as an reproduction of a protected musical work, please report this track immediately so it can be removed from wikiloops.

To be able to get back to you in case we need additional information to be able to verify your report, you need to set up a members account on wikiloops so we have an established way to contact you.
You may alternatively make use of our contact form to get in touch with the moderation team about copyright issues you may have spotted, but using the "report track"-function as described in this article is the recommended way to go about which guarantees we can take immediate action.

Once you are logged in, follow these steps to report a copyright violation:

Navigate to the track you would like to report.
Click on the "red flag"-button displayed on the right side of the waveform display in the audio player area.
Confirm you would like to report the track as a violation in the opened pop-up dialogue.
You will see a success message, and the track will immediately cease to be accessible to the public until a wikiloops moderator has reviewed the report.
Should additional information be needed, a wikiloops moderator will contact you via private message.
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on and last edited on
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